Social Groups

Social Groups

Boomerang Bags

Meeting every second Tuesday of each month, we create shopping bags: attractive, washable and unique from donated fabric.

We’re a friendly bunch. Why not join us to help create the bags? There is a variety of jobs to be done apart from sewing. We all end our get-together with a sense of achievement and the pleasure of chatting to other like-minded people.

You can see more of our activities on this site’s Gallery page.

Where:   Coolaburoo Neighbourhood Centre

                  11 Ryan Road, Padstow


When:     2nd Tuesday of the month

                  (Except School Holidays)


Time:      12:30pm to 3:30pm

Wise Owls

The Wise Owls is a  group for people of all ages who are socially isolated and do not feel comfortable going out in the afternoon/evening on their own. It provides activities and support for local participants who experience social isolation due to their life circumstances such as widow, single mothers, ethnicity etc. Participants in the group act as each other’s role models, providing support and learning experiences while maintaining a positive attitude to life and enjoying their time together.


The group is run Bi-Monthly usually on a Friday.

Social Butterflies

The Social Butterflies is a  group for people of all ages who are socially isolated and want to connect with other people in their community. It provides activities and support for local participants who experience social isolation due to their life circumstances such as widow, single mothers, ethnicity etc. Participants in the group act as each other’s role models, providing support and learning experiences while maintaining a positive attitude to life and enjoying their time together.


The group is run Bi-Monthly usually on various days of the week.

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