Partnership Projects

Partnership Projects

Twilight Sports

Twilight Sports is a free non-competitive indoor sports program aimed at encouraging social inclusion and participation for 12-18 year olds in a fun way. 

The program is designed to engage young people through sport in a safe, supervised environment, while benefiting the Canterbury Bankstown community through: 

  • Providing positive role models for young people;
  • Providing young people with access to local youth and support services;
  • Providing young people with opportunities to participate in a variety of physical team sports;
  • Providing safe activities for young people out of school hours;
  • Providing volunteering opportunities and training; and 
  • Building self-esteem and resilience in young people.


The program is entirely free and includes dinner, uniforms and limited transport​​. It is also a safe outlet where young people are encouraged to participate in life skills workshops in order to become more physically, socially and mentally healthy.

Players and volunteers are encouraged to: 

  • Enjoy the spirit of the game and not focus on winning;
  • Use the games to build both players skills​ and interpersonal relationships; and 
  • Give all players an opportunity, regardless of skills and experience.

Coolaburoo Run workshops at Twilight Sports as well as doing catering, Bus run and support the program in any way we can.


If you would like to volunteer for the program call us on 9774 2426

If you have a young person who would like to participate go to

White Ribbon Tug-O-War

White Ribbon is Australia's only national, male-led Campaign to end men's violence against women. The campaign works through primary prevention initiatives involving awareness raising and education, as well as programs with youth, schools and workplaces – and across the broader community in general.

It's the responsibility of everyone in the community to ensure that violence and discrimination against women does not continue.

Why engage men?

The violence perpetrated by men against women must stop and it is up to men themselves to stop it. The victims are not merely statistics; they are firstly individual human women, and also wives, sisters, mothers, daughters and friends. Good men cannot and will not sit on the sidelines while those they love are at risk of harm.
The White Ribbon Campaign is about recognising the positive role that men can play in preventing violence against women. It fosters and encourages male leadership in the prevention of violence against women, based on the understanding that most men are not violent.​

White Ribbon Day in Canterbury-Bankstown

Each year to mark White Ribbon Day, Council, in partnership with a number of local working parties, holds various events aimed at raising awareness and changing attitudes towards violence against Women.​​

Local businesses, schools, organisations and residents are encouraged to enter their teams of five, to contest the Canterbury-Bankstown White Ribbon Tug O’ War Cup.

The day will involve male teams competing against each other, in a fun Tug O’ War competition, to show their support for the campaign. Participants and spectators will also have the opportunity to take the White Ribbon Oath, to pledge their support for the campaign. 

Each Year Coolaburoo staff & Volunteers show their support by promoting the event as well as providing hands on support on the day such as preparing food, serving of food, collecting donations as well as cheering on the teams.

Due to Covid 19 we have not been able to go ahead with the White Ribbon Tug-O-War in 2020 but hope that it will go ahead in 2021.

If you would like more information check in with our website, give us a call or check the Canterbury Bankstown website.

Youth Week

Youth Week is an opportunity for young people to express their ideas and views, act on issues that affect their lives, and create and enjoy activities and events.


Each year Canterbury Bankstown Council provide a number of activities, Events and competitions for youth week. We try our best to support them with as many activates as possible.

The main event each year is the Youth Week Festival, there are information stalls, workshops, Entertainment & Rides.

We also participate in the Bansktown Amazing Race activity where we have an activity at one of the pit stops, help out at the Roundabout Skating Rink Activity etc.


Youth Week usually falls around April each year, please check dates online and if you would like a list of activities that we are participating in please check or website or for a full list of activities council is running please check the Canterbury Bansktown Website.


Biggest Morning Tea

Biggest Morning Tea is a great way to bring awareness to Cancer Council as well as raising money for such a great cause. Each year we try to do either a morning tea or run an event for the cause. Biggest Morning Tea is usually run early May each year.


If you would like to be a part of it or come along and enjoy what we have on please check our website or give s a call.

Joint School Holiday

Each Year in collaboration with 4 other Local Services we do 3 grand school Holiday Activities. By collaborating we are able to bring young people from different Bankstown LGA areas and services together as well as giving services the opportunity to do larger activities they may not normally be able to.

Each service gets to take 10 participants and we head over to the activities on a large coach.


The activities are as follows:

January School Holidays – Raging Waters

June/July School Holidays – Jamberoo

September/October School Holidays – Luna Park


We reserves our spots for our regular clients and if not filled then offer them to the general public.

HSC Late Night Library Sessions

For Mental Health Month The Mental Health Working Party has worked hard with Canterbury Bankstown Council and Bankstown library to try and keep the library doors open longer in the evenings for the local HSC Students.

We managed to secure students library space from 4-8pm on weekdays during from September to November.

It proved to be a great success with student numbers growing week by week. Many students expressed their appreciation and informed us that without this they would have had nowhere to study for their HSC putting even more pressure on them and their mental health.

During these Late Night HSC Library Study Sessions students have had not only access to the library but to a free tutor and youth worker.


We hope to continue this Project next year as it was very successful with up to 60 students turning up to the library each day.


CBWWYN – Canterbury Bankstown Workers With Youth Network

The Canterbury Bankstown Workers With Youth Network (CBWWYN) is a cohesive network of professionals working towards common goals for youth and youth services in Canterbury Bankstown. CBWWYN is sought out as a respected and recognised voice for youth and acknowledged for advocating and lobbying on priority issues.

The network meets on the first Wednesday of each month from 10am-noon. Members exchange information on services and events, and discuss issues that are relevant to Youth and the local community.

Coolabruoo is proud to be a part of this network.

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