Job Seeker Assistance (Youth & General)
Are you keen to get job but need some help?
Even though you may already have the following things it is good to go over them and make sure that you are fully prepared.
If not we can help you start from scratch.
We can help with:
Mosaics Classes
These classes provide adults with the opportunity to learn how to create your very own Mosaic works of art.
Try something simple & learn how it all comes together or create a more complex piece, be as creative as you want with your design while learning new & exciting skills.
Where: Coolaburoo Neighbourhood Centre
11 Ryan Road, Padstow
When: Various times throughout the year.
Time: Times may vary
Cost: Varies
Bookings Essential!!!
Pink Hammers
Come and join the Pink Hammers Group to learn basic skills in home maintenance such as fixing leaking taps, repairing holes on the walls, creaky doors, painting and gardening etc.
Where: Coolaburoo Neighbourhood Centre
11 Ryan Rd, Padstow
When: TBA
Time: TBA
Cost: Varies depending on term length
Please note all materials are included in the price
Boomerang Bags
Meeting once a month, the members of Boomerang Bags create reusable shopping bags from recycled materials.
The aim is to practice and encourage sustainability.
Where: Coolaburoo Neighbourhood Centre
11 Ryan Road, Padstow
When: 2nd Tuesday of the month
(Except School Holidays)
Time: 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Various Training
At Coolaburoo we really value education. We try to attend as many trainings to stafy in formed as we can. We know though that many people do not have access to training so we try to provide an range of training for the General Public, Volunteers and Management Committee.
Some of the trainings we have provided are:
- First Aid
- Food Handling
- Accidental Counselling